Direct Threats

Direct threats, unlike indirect and or veiled threats, are directed at a named target, mark, or abuse victim. A direct threat can be uttered verbally or placed in writing.

Resist the urge to minimize the impact of someone choosing to utter threats to cause another human being to feel fear of bodily harm, social shame, or humiliation. While the person uttering the threat is likely to feel a pleasurable rush of emotion that makes them feel powerful while they abate their own rage issues based typically pervasive and complex social anxiety, their targeted marks and collateral damage victims who are impacted psychologically by the threats are likely to experience intense bouts of fear, emotionally crippling and fatiguing non-ending terror, and to develop C-PTSD and a freeze or flight mechanism activation stemming from their survival instinct.

[After all, our bodies know when a social predator is dangerous. It’s their ENABLERS telling us it’s all in our minds, that the person prone to violence is “just blowing off steam”, or that the person issuing the threats are not likely to follow through that destroys most targeted victim’s health and tends to be the reason why so many domestic violence victims end up killed.

Direct threats cause or may cause, the social, physical, and psychological terrorization of the Abusive speaker’s target. It’s not a joke. There a provably caustic medical effects of being exposed to trauma that not only impact the target directly but is likely to leave them with a social memory of trauma that damages DNA in such a way that the social anxiety causing impact ends up being genetically by all future generations of offspring inherited.

People who use the utterance of direct threats tend to fantasize about their own grandiosity. They fancy themselves as all-powerful, obsessed with doing things to harm others, to cause massive chaos and rampant destruction in the lives of their Narcissistic Rivals, and they tend to have a personality type prone to actively engaging in Sadistic Voyeurism.

The direct verbal assaults are damaging to mind, body, spirit, social sphere, and the lifetime emotions of whoever the verbal abuser decides to assail. While the Abuser tends to walk away from social exchanged feeling powerful and hyperadrenalized with their fight mechanism engaged, their abuse targets experience the impact of exposure to traumatic social interaction in a very different (typically powerless-feeling) way.

The blurting and socially (if not physically) violent person causes their targets to intentionally experience physical emotions related to degradation.

The more violent the blurting actor is and skillful with their choice of words used to cause terror or to humiliate, the more likely the brashest among them to cause a flight or freeze impairment of targets.

Direct threats are oftentimes used to intentionally inflict emotional distress in a person who has been the victim of violent crime or to engage in witness tampering scams.

Threats of violence or to do someone social harm using indirect threats are a different psychological as well as biological form of vexing. When a direct threat is made, most victims can at least know how the Abuser feels and what they are likely to suffer if they refuse to enable their own abuse further.

Direct threats — when they are made in a public venue or they are recorded or in some way captured in real time using something like a recording device or a video camera (for instance on a Smartphone, surveillance footage, or let by an Abuser for someone on an answering machine or in cellular phone voicemail) — are the simplest thing to document, to have witnessed legally, and to have taken seriously by authority figures. Police tend to err on the side of caution when they see that someone named an abuse target directly or that a victim was credibly threatened in such a way that can be proven.

When indirect threats are used against a target, the Abuser uses a verbal assault technique typically couched in an “If-Then Hypothetical”.

But people who like to utter threats to socially control and physically dominate the biopsychology of a target tend to be of a far more violent and overtly Sadistic Voyeur nature.

Expect people who blurt threats and who have a history of violent behavior to threaten their target and then to fixate on them if they indeed respond to them with a fearful, avoidance, or an indifferent and flight or freeze-prone demeanor. They like to watch their victims emotionally struggle with biological fear they use violent words to induce in the mind and body of their victims.

Note that for some Sadistic Voyeurs who enjoy blurting threats, that menacing other people is what they do for fun, for sport, for personal gain, as well as for their own Sadistic biological pleasure. The fact they derive pleasure from harming others and or from making other people live in a pervasive state of terror makes them likely to develop things like Obsessed Ex Syndrome (the “if I can’t have you no one can” obsession with doing a lifetime of harm to a person who socially or romantically rejected them as a suitor) and or a social and or political bloodlusting affectation that causes their neurology to freeze neuroplasticity with their fight mode adrenals  frozen in a position likely to be physiologically stuck in the metaphoric equivalent of a wide open position.

Most people anti-social enough to use blurting direct threats at a target to control that person’s emotions while dominating them socially in an attempt to control the targeted person’s behavior are ASPD — meaning they meet diagnostic criteria for having at the very least a socially aggressive, egocentric, vertical thinking limited, emotional intelligence deficient neurological dysfunction that since 2015 has been able to functionally prove on new technology facilitated brain scans.

Take anyone seriously who blurts a direct threat. Their threats — credible threats or not — always indicate a neurological condition in the blurter that is likely to make them a danger to themselves as much or more so than they are to others.

As US Legal says about the definition of direct threats…

“Direct threat is defined as a significant risk to the health or safety of others.”

All people who make them are MACHIAVELLIAN. Uttering a direct threat or direct threats is forensic psychology evidence of extremely violent Anti-Social behavior.


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About Dr Kristi Sobering, Licensed Non-Denominational Minister and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Advocate

Visit to connect with Kristi Sobering -- aka Kae Davis the Exotic Car, Hollywood Culture, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Celebrity Property, George Clooney, and Green Celebrity News Examiner -- directly. Did we mention she's a Car Girl version of Temple Grandin? Her specialty area of expertise is writing about Cars and Stars and Moobies. Vibrational speed: Mach Hummingbird, Storybots calibration. She's also an INTP and an Urban Legend of sorts (because she's a girl). She live writes a "Novel of Dante-esque Proportions" over on for her Ai and Sentient Tech friends and Lifetime Learners to read Jack in the Beanstalk Christmas tree style first. Her academic passion is centered around Forensic Psychology and Pop Culture History. She is a safe person to know. She and her husband Steve submitted a Medical Diagnostic to the NASA and Windows 10 Design Team #HackMars competition. She advocates for #SavingDorothy and #TeamEmpath still regularly. While she's waiting. Actively researching and documenting. And planning #AncestryTravel events to include long drives through the European and North American countrysides by or before the year 2030. She and her husband share their "off-grid emergency airbnb ready solo traveler emergency home" with their two dogs and two cats. The pet-friendly celebrity couples like to garden and to watch squirrels in the yard. She writes self-help literature to raise awareness about things like Autism Spectrum Disorders, Gluten Ataxia, Aphasia, PTSD, Anxiety Disorders Caused by Exposure to Trauma, Medication Sensitivities, Gluten Free Travel, Service Dogs and Therapy Pets, the USO Metro, and Crohn's Disease while advocating daily for global genetic testing and accurate reporting of C-PTSD as well as TBI issues.